<aTraffic Jams: The Mountain Goats – 'Wage Wars Get Rich Die Handsome'

Traffic Jams: The Mountain Goats-‘Wage Wars Get Rich Die Handsome’ <span data-chomp-id=”FesuReuhye0″ data-recommend-id=”youtube://FesuReuhye0″ id=”youtube-FesuReuhye0″ data-recommended=”false” class=”js_recommend”></span><figcaption class=”sc-1ptbguh-0 hxeMec caption”> <li class data-label=”English”></aside> <p>the Mountain Goats – Wage Wars Get Rich Die Handsome “Wage Wars Get Rich Die Handsome” was released as a single off of Bleed Out, yet it’s still one of the very best tracks on the cd. The whole LP (or dual LP, if you obtained the splatter plastic like I did) has actually rapidly turned into one of my preferred Mountain Goats records in the band’s background. </p> <div> <div class=”sc-1wkneyl-0 hxLRyg video-html5-playlist” data-playlist=”191907,191900,191899″ data-current=”191907″> <div data-video-id=”191907″ data-position=”sidebar” data-video-title=”A Car Loan Crisis Could Be Looming” data-video-network=”jalopnik” data-video-duration=”101″> <video playsinline poster=”https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/c_fill,f_auto,g_center,h_362,pg_1,q_60,w_645/f8d9173869692f0d674e6158de2f7da0.png” width=”100 %” height=”100 %”><track kind=”captions” src=”https://kinja.com/api/videoupload/caption/17563.vtt” srclang=”en”>CC Off English Some of that credit score most likely mosts likely to Alicia Bognanno’s production, bringing a little that Bully power to JD and the crew, but much of it is from the songwriting itself. This is Power Chord Mountain Goats, and Power Chord Mountain Goats rules.</p>

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